Lütfi Zadə Olimpiadası (Onlayn)
20 – 25 Dekabr, Bakı, Azərbaycan
Qeydiyyat üçün son tarix: 12 Dekabr, 2021
A word from the minister
The Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republican Lyceum on Physics, Mathematics and Informatics with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan will host an international Olympiad dedicated to the memory of prominent Azerbaijani scientist, mathematician, specialist in the field of artificial intelligence and computer science, the founder of the theory “Fuzzy Logic” Lotfi Zadeh.
Lotfi Zadeh was a member of many foreign academies. He has been awarded numerous medals by prestigious societies and foundations. He is an honorary doctor of dozens of foreign state and public organizations. Lotfi Zadeh is considered one of the most cited scholars in the world.
“The Zadeh Institute of Information Technologies” was established in Berkeley, California. The purpose of the Olympiad is to honour the genius scientist, also form and develop friendly relations between schoolchildren from various countries of the world and establishment of new contacts by involving in cooperation computer science and mathematics teachers.